Tag Archives: SSH

RaspEX Rpi4 – Build 210109 based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS – with OpenCPN 5.2.4 (navigation software)

RaspEX Rpi4 – Build 210109 based on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa LTS (supported until April, 2025) – with OpenCPN 5.2.4 (latest stable version released 201018) – especially made for the new Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

OpenCPN is a free software (GPLv2) project to create a concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and refinement.

This build (210109) replaces build 190812. Ubuntu has been upgraded to version 20.04 and OpenCPN to version 5.2.4 – latest stable version. Build 210109 is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

The Desktop environment LXDE is used. The “Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment” is an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment. LXDE uses less CPU and less RAM than other environments. It is especially designed for cloud computers with low hardware specifications, such as netbooks, mobile devices (e.g. MIDs) or older computers.

ABOUT RaspEX Build 210109
RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 Model B, Model B+ and Pi 2 model B. It is based on Debian Buster (Debian 10), Focal Fossa (Ubuntu 20.04) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (210109) I’ve installed OpenCPN 5.2.4.

Read this OpenCPN Review….

1. RaspEX Build 210109 using Bluetooth
2. RaspEX version 190812 running OpenCPN as the ordinary user raspex
3. RaspEX version 190812 running OpenCPN as root
4. OpenCPN 4.4.0 runningon the 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi (old version OpenCPN)
5. OpenCPN Florida – Cape Canaveral (old version of OpenCPN)
6. OpenCPN New York – Approaches to New York (old version of OpenCPN)

7. OpenCPN Stockholm Archipelago (old version of OpenCPN)


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

RaspEX especially for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ – based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – with OpenCPN 4.8.8 pre-installed ::: Build 181120

raspex-16.04-opencpn-4.4.0-touchscreen-20160702-smallRaspEX – Build 181120 based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – with OpenCPN 4.8.8 (latest stable version released 181107) – especially made for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

OpenCPN is a free software (GPLv2) project to create a concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and refinement.

This build (181120) replaces build 180331. Ubuntu has been upgraded to version 18.04 LTS and OpenCPN to version 4.8.8 – latest stable version released 181107. RaspEX Build 181120 is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

ABOUT RaspEX Build 181120
RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Model B+ and Pi 2 model B. It is based on Debian Stretch (Debian 9), Bionic Beaver (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (181120) I’ve installed OpenCPN 4.8.8 from source.

Read this OpenCPN Review….

Kernel 4.14.80-v7 is used.

About SSH, PuTTY, Samba, VNC4Server and VNC Viewer

SSH, Samba and VNC4Server are pre-installed in RaspEX Build 181120. You need to install PuTTy and and VNC Viewer in your Windows system if you want to connect to RaspEX/Raspberry Pi 3/2 from Windows. (Please read the developers information about how to configure PuTTy and VNC Viewer).

The 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi
To my great joy also this version of RaspEX work together with the 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi “out of the box”.

Why shall I use RaspEX?

Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Raspberrypi.org. Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Stretch) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member at this site thought that running RaspEX (for Raspberry Pi 2 Model B) was like running Raspberry Pi on “steroids“. RaspEX Build 181022, 181010 (with BunsenLabs Desktop) and 181120 (current with OpenCPN) are of course even faster, especially if you run the systems on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ computer.

1. RaspEX version 181120 running OpenCPN as the ordinary user raspex
2. RaspEX version 181120 running OpenCPN as root
3. OpenCPN 4.4.0 running on the 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi (old version OpenCPN)
4. OpenCPN 4.4.0 – Boston (old version OpenCPN)
5. OpenCPN World Map (old version of OpenCPN)
6. OpenCPN Florida – Cape Canaveral (old version of OpenCPN)
7. OpenCPN New York – Approaches to New York (old version of OpenCPN)
8. OpenCPN Stockholm Archipelago (old version of OpenCPN)


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX Oreo 8.1!

and about my Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Oreo 8.1!

RaspEX – Build 151027 based on Ubuntu 15.10 – with SSH, Samba and VNC4Server >> Connect to your Windows computers

raspberry-logoNEWS 151027 ABOUT RaspEX
My first version of RaspEX is from 150318 and my second from 150706. I have now upgraded the whole system. RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 2. It is based on Debian Jessie (Debian 8.1), Ubuntu Wily Werewolf (Ubuntu 15.10, released 151022) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (151027) I’ve installed Wicd Network Manager and added support for Adobe Flash in Chromium (so you can watch YouTube). I have also installed Samba and VNC4Server so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). Furthermore some extra Network Tools.

Screenshot 1 – RaspEX connected to Windows via Samba

Screenshot 2 – RaspEX connected to Windows via PuTTy

Screenshot 3 – RaspEX “running on” Windows with VNC Viewer

Why shall I use RaspEX?
Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Raspberrypi.org. Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Wheezy) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member on this site thought that running RaspEX was like running Raspberry on “steroids“.

View all installed packages in RaspEX – Build 151027

View RaspEX new Desktop 151027


RaspEX – Build 151001 – with SSH, Samba and VNC4Server >> Connect to your Windows computers

raspberry-logoNEWS 151001 ABOUT RaspEX
My first version of RaspEX is from 150318 and my second from 150706. I have now upgraded the whole system. RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 2. It is based on Debian Jessie (Debian 8), Ubuntu Vivid Vervet (Ubuntu 15.04) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (151001) I’ve installed Wicd Network Manager and added support for Adobe Flash in Chromium (so you can watch YouTube). I have also installed Samba and VNC4Server so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client).

Screenshot 1 – RaspEX connected to Windows via Samba

Screenshot 2 – RaspEX connected to Windows via PuTTy

Screenshot 3 – RaspEX “running on” Windows with VNC Viewer

About RaspEX
RaspEX is a full Linux Desktop system with LXDE (an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment) and many other useful programs pre-installed. Chromium is used as Web Browser and Synaptic as Package Manager. You can use Samba and VNC4Server to connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). You can use Synaptic to install any extra packages you may need. For example LibreOffice. RaspEX uses Ubuntu’s software repositories so you can install thousands of extra packages if you want.

Why shall I use RaspEX?

Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Raspberrypi.org. Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Wheezy) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member on this site thought that running RaspEX was like running Raspberry on “steroids“.

About SSH, PuTTY, Samba, VNC4Server and VNC Viewer
SSH, Samba and VNC4Server are pre-installed in RaspEX Build 151001. You need to install PuTTy and and VNC Viewer in your Windows system if you want to connect to RaspEX/Raspberry Pi 2 from Windows the way the below slideshow shows. (Please read the developers information about how to configure PuTTy and VNC Viewer).

Watch this slideshow re. connections between RaspEX and Windows.