Exton|OS 64 bit with Mate 1.12.7 and kernel 4.5.3-exton :: Build 160512

exton-os-logo-worldExton|OS build 160512 is based on Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit and Debian Stretch/Sid (upcoming Debian 9). Exton|OS’s ISO file is a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can then even run Exton|OS from a USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! Read my INSTRUCTION. For persistence please read under B) or use UNetbootin in Windows or Linux.

NEWS 160512
A new and much better version of Exton|OS is ready. I have replaced kernel 4.2.0-16-exton with kernel 4.5.3-exton. With kernel 4.5 there is no real need to use Nvidia proprietary graphic drivers since this kernel has better support for the open-source Nvidia driver Nouveau than any other older kernel. The Mate Desktop is upgraded to version 1.12.7 have also replaced Ubuntu’s installation program Ubiquity with Exton|OS Installer, which is a clone of Debian Live Installer. The installation to hard drive is now so simple that a 10 year old child can do it. Watch a SLIDESHOW of the hard drive installation process.

What’s new in Linux kernel 4.5.3?


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