ChromX (Chromium OS), Exton Build 190824, with Netflix, Spotify, Gimp and a lot of other apps working fast and responsive (after you have installed Flatpak – “An app store and build service for Linux”)

Run Netflix, Spotify and Steam in ChromX Build 190824
You can run Netflix and Spotify in ChromX when you have enabled Linux BETA (Debian) in ChromX and installed Flatpak. Read my instructions.

NOTES October 8, 2020
Since ChromX is quite old by now I have checked that everything described in my article at works today. And it does! So there is no need for me to upgrade ChromX right now. You can however upgrade Linux BETA (Debian) from Stretch to Buster (Debian 10.6) if you want to. In order to install Steam (from you’ll have to upgrade Debian.

With Steam Play Linux users can play games that are available on Windows only. Watch a screenshot when I’m running Steam in ChromX today.
NOTE: The “screenshot” is taken with my mobile camera. You can’t use Prt Sc when running an application installed with Flatpak or with a terminal command.

ChromX is downloaded about 1000 times each week, which makes it my most popular dist ever. Only to be compared with ExTiX.


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