My Android-x86 KitKat 4.4.4 builds now reviewed by Softpedia

softpediaMy Android-x86 KitKat 4.4.4 builds 150301 and 150307 were reviewed by Softpedia 150319.

These special builds of the Android-x86 Linux operating system are currently distributed as Live CD ISO images that contain software packages optimized only for 32-bit (x86) hardware architectures

Comes with Google Play Store, Aptoide App Manager and many cool applications
As mentioned, these are special builds of the original Android-x86 project that include the official Google Play Store application, allowing the user to install all sorts of Android applications on their computers. The second build of this special Android-x86 operating system runs even a newer kernel, version 3.18.8, and uses the Aptoide App Manager package manager instead of Google Play Store.

Among the pre-installed applications, we can mention Quickoffice, Google Now Launcher, Gmail, Netflix, Keep, Facebook, Drive, RSS Reader, Spotify, Play Newsstand, Play Movies & TV, Speech Recorder, Calibration, LIME-HD Settings, File Manager, Play Books, and Superuser. The Android-x86 KitKat 4.4.4 build 150307 includes even more pre-installed applications.


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