Android-x86_64 Nougat 7.1.1 – Build 170426/170423/170422 – with GAPPS and kernel 4.11-rc7/4.10.11/4.4.62-exton-android-x86_64

NEWS 170426 about AndEX Nougat 7.1.1 – April 2017 builds
I’ve added a new ISO – android-x86_64-7.1.1-nougat-kernel-4.4.62-exton-vmware-1050mb-170426.iso – which can run very well live in VMware Workstation 12.5.5. You can of course also install the system in VMware. Kernel 4.4.62 is used. GAPPS and all other apps mentioned on the INFO site are installed. NOTE: You can run AndEX Nougat Build 170426 also on newer laptops and Desktop computers. Sound won’t work on all though. The video performance is generally very good.

Screenshot – AndEX Build 170426 running in VMware


One thought on “Android-x86_64 Nougat 7.1.1 – Build 170426/170423/170422 – with GAPPS and kernel 4.11-rc7/4.10.11/4.4.62-exton-android-x86_64”

  1. Softpedia 170429: This Custom Android-x86 Build Puts Android 7.1.1 on Your PC, with Linux 4.11 RC7

    “GNU/Linux developer Arne Exton was happy to announce the release of a new build of his custom built Android-x86 project that lets uses runs the latest Android mobile operating system on their personal computers.

    Dubbed AndEX Nougat 7.1.1, the project was recently updated to build 170426, after it received a few revisions at the end of last week, specifically builds 170423 and 170422, both of which added most of the changes, updated packages, and improvements listed below.

    Shipping with either the Linux 4.11 RC7, Linux 4.10.11, or Linux 4.4.62 LTS kernels, AndEX Nougat 7.1.1 Build 170427 comes with the GAPPS (Google Apps) package that lets users access various of Google’s most used applications and services, and it’s based on the Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system.

    These include Google Play Services, Google Play Store 7.6.08.N-all, YouTube 12.09.58, Gmail, Google Maps 9.48.2, and Google Earth. Additionally, users will find pre-installed the Spotify, Google Chrome 58.0, Mozilla Firefox 53.0, SnapTube 4.3.0, Clash of Clans 8.709.23, and File Manager apps.”


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